Sunday, May 26, 2013

Thoughts on this years Final

We did it!
With one single, dramatic, flick of his right foot he finally rid himself of of all the hurtful tags. The man that many wanted to see depart last season and who always had the tag of "World Class but not in Finals" stripped himself of this title and has truly shown that he is indeed a World Class player. The man I am talking about is obviously Arjen Robben.

This time around, finally, the Dutch winger was the man of the moment, taking control of this game in a way he couldn't in any of the three huge disappointments in his career.

Saturday night at London's Wembley Stadium, Robben's expression said it all as he wheeled away, sprinted towards the Bayern fans and screamed with relief and delight after running through the Dortmund defense and calmly clipping the ball past goalkeeper Roman Weidenfeller to decide this contest. You could see all the pressure falling of the shoulders as he shouted the words "Oh my god! What? What?" at the red crowd.

This win could be the beginning of a new era in European Club Football, but as Ottmar Hitzfeld former Coach and two times Champions League Victor wisely said, "We will only know if its a new era after we have played it". Whether this is the start to a new era or not, only time will tell us.

One thing we certainly saw last night was that the German Football has caught up and might be even at the top now in the World. Once again hats off to Dortmund who played fantastic yesterday. Both sides displayed technique and tactical nous of the highest order and yet it was highly entertaining to watch as well. The times are over were German football was only famous for its high aggressiveness and its hard-running. While the opening ceremony blatantly displayed that there are obviously still a lot of stereotypes surrounding Germany, we can say that this final has disproved the stereotypes of German football.

Another story that has struck me, especially as a life long Bayern fan, is simply the way Bayern has come back from last years gruesome defeat against Chelsea. A lot of people thought that they will give up and fall apart but they have proven their true strength this year by making this incredible comeback. After last years defeat I personally was crushed but I remember that I wrote the next year we will come to their city and take the Trophy back to where it belongs. And yes we did it. I might have had my doubts this season, especially after the group stage and before the Barcelona games which I had the pleasure of witnessing this incredible FCB squad live at the Allianz Arena crushing the world greatest team at that point. So as a fan I have huge respect of what these guys have done this past year. Coming back from such a harsh season not only in the Bundesliga and Champions League but also from the Euro Cup.

What comes next? Well hopefully we can secure the triple next Saturday in Berlin. After that the best season in Bayerns history will end and we will have to see who comes and who goes. One thing we know for sure is that one of the best coaches will depart. Thank you Jupp Heynckes! Mario Götze will join only adding to our incredible offensive squad. Many say Lewandowski will follow but I hope not--cause Fuck that guy. Hopefully this great team will continue in this shape next season. But even if they dont thats okay. They have proven Europe and the World what a great team we have here in Munich!

So long! MIA SAN MIA

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